Business innovation translates to companies implementing new ideas, processes, products or services to improve the bottom line. And for innovations to take place, bringing new ideas on board is vital.

As the business landscape is continuously evolving, companies need to involve customers and partners in their innovation process as much as they would involve their employees. And to bring all of them together on a common platform, many businesses today use Salesforce-powered communities for a healthy exchange of thoughts and ideas.

In fact, idea generation for innovation is an outcome of an organizational culture that is open to employee and customer participation and the willingness to adapt their collective thoughts. To decode the process of innovation in an organization, the role of Salesforce-powered communities to generate ideas, and their management, we bring you - The 5 Pillars of Strategic Innovation Management.

Get a package of insights to reignite and accelerate your innovation strategy. Tread the path of solving business problems, create more efficiency, and getting ahead of potential market disruptions.

Featured Chapters:

Each chapter touches different chords of innovation and the role of an ideas management platform to lead it towards success.

While you get deep insights into the innovation process, know how IdeasPro, an idea management platform built by Grazitti helps you manage ideas to drive innovation.